1 RB-DELETE(T, z) // 情况1 || 情况2 2 if left[z] = nil[T] or right[z] = nil[T] // z最多一个孩子时 || z有两个孩子时 3 then y ← z // 令y=z || 令y是z后继(此时y必然不是z的右孩子) 4 else y ← TREE-SUCCESSOR(z) //=============================================================================== 5 if left[y] ≠ nil[T] // 令x为y的孩子或哨兵 || 令x是y的右孩子(x必然不为左孩子,否则y不可能是z的后继) 6 then x ← left[y] // || 将来x会代替y的位置 7 else x ← right[y] //================================================================================ 8 p[x] ← p[y] // 9 if p[y] = nil[T] //10 then root[T] ← x // x与x的新父亲之间建立关系11 else if y = left[p[y]] //12 then left[p[y]] ← x //13 else right[p[y]] ← x //=================================================================================14 if y !≠ z // ||15 then key[z] ← key[y] // 删完后整体上移 || 替代,用于替代的原结点删除16 copy y's satellite data into z // ||17 if color[y] = BLACK // ||18 then RB-DELETE-FIXUP(T, x) // ||19 return y
#include#include #define T_nil -1//T_nil is a key of nil[T] in the book.#define RED 1#define BLACK 0//T_nil is BLACK//T_nil's p is itself. need to set.struct rb_tree { int color; int key; //normally a positive number. struct rb_tree *left; struct rb_tree *right; struct rb_tree *p;};int rb_walk(struct rb_tree *node) { if (node->key != T_nil) { rb_walk(node->left); printf("%d, color is %s\n",node->key,(node->color?"RED":"BLACK")); rb_walk(node->right); } return 1;}struct rb_tree* rb_search(struct rb_tree *node, int k) { if ((node->key == T_nil) || (node->key == k)) return node; if ( k < node->key ) return rb_search(node->left,k); else return rb_search(node->right,k);}struct rb_tree* tree_minimum(struct rb_tree *node) { if (node->key == T_nil) return node; while (node->left->key != T_nil) node = node->left; return node;}struct rb_tree* tree_maximum(struct rb_tree *node) { if (node->key == T_nil) return node; while (node->right->key != T_nil) node = node->right; return node;}struct rb_tree* tree_successor(struct rb_tree *node) { struct rb_tree *y; if (node->right->key != T_nil) return tree_minimum(node->right); y = node->p; while ((y->key != T_nil) && (node == y->right)) { node = y; y = y->p; } return y;}//3 function of below is copy from tree.struct rb_tree * left_rotate(struct rb_tree *rb, struct rb_tree *x) { struct rb_tree *y; //if (x->right->key == T_nil) { // printf("have no right child,rotation cancel.\n"); // return rb; //} y = x->right; x->right = y->left; if (y->left->key != T_nil) y->left->p = x; y->p = x->p; if (x->p->key == T_nil) rb = y; else if (x == x->p->left) x->p->left = y; else x->p->right = y; y->left = x; x->p = y; return rb;}struct rb_tree *right_rotate(struct rb_tree *rb, struct rb_tree *x) { struct rb_tree *y; //if (x->left->key == T_nil ) { // printf("have no left child,rotation cancel.\n"); // return rb; //} y = x->left; x->left = y->right; if (y->right->key != T_nil ) y->right->p = x; y->p = x->p; if (x->p->key == T_nil) rb = y; else if (x == x->p->left) x->p->left = y; else x->p->right = y; y->right = x; x->p = y; return rb;}struct rb_tree* rb_insert_fixup(struct rb_tree *rb, struct rb_tree *z) { struct rb_tree *y; while (z->p->color == RED) { if (z->p == z->p->p->left) { y = z->p->p->right; if (y->color == RED) { z->p->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; z = z->p->p; } else { if (z == z->p->right) { z= z->p; rb = left_rotate(rb,z); } z->p->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; rb = right_rotate(rb,z->p->p); } } else { //same as right and left exchanged y = z->p->p->left; if (y->color == RED) { z->p->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; z = z->p->p; } else { if (z == z->p->left) { z= z->p; rb = right_rotate(rb,z); } z->p->color = BLACK; z->p->p->color = RED; rb = left_rotate(rb,z->p->p); } } } rb->color = BLACK; return rb;}struct rb_tree* rb_insert(struct rb_tree *rb, int k) { struct rb_tree *y = rb->p; struct rb_tree *x = rb; struct rb_tree *z; z= (struct rb_tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct rb_tree)); z->key = k; while (x->key != T_nil) { y = x; if (k< x->key) x = x->left; else x = x->right; } z->p = y; if (y->key == T_nil) rb = z; else if (z->key key) y->left = z; else y->right =z; z->left = rb->p; z->right = rb->p; z->color = RED; return rb_insert_fixup(rb,z);}struct rb_tree* rb_delete_fixup(struct rb_tree *rb, struct rb_tree *x) { struct rb_tree *w; while ((x !=rb)&&(x->color == BLACK)) { if (x == x->p->left) { w = x->p->right; if (w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; x->p->color = RED; left_rotate(rb,x->p); w = x->p->right; } if ((w->left->color == BLACK)&&(w->right->color == BLACK)) { w->color = RED; x = x->p; } else if (w->right->color == BLACK) { w->left->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; right_rotate(rb,w); w = x->p->right; } w->color = x->p->color; x->p->color = BLACK; w->right->color = BLACK; left_rotate(rb,x->p); x = rb; } else { //same as right and left exchanged w = x->p->left; if (w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; x->p->color = RED; right_rotate(rb,x->p); w = x->p->right; } if ((w->right->color == BLACK)&&(w->left->color == BLACK)) { w->color = RED; x = x->p; } else if (w->left->color == BLACK) { w->right->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; left_rotate(rb,w); w = x->p->left; } w->color = x->p->color; x->p->color = BLACK; w->left->color = BLACK; right_rotate(rb,x->p); x = rb; } } x->color = BLACK;}struct rb_tree* rb_delete(struct rb_tree *rb, struct rb_tree *z) { struct rb_tree *x,*y; if ((z->left->key == T_nil) || (z->right->key == T_nil)) y = z; else y = tree_successor(z); if (y->left->key != T_nil) x = y->left; else x = y->right; x->p = y->p; if (y->p->key == T_nil) rb = x; else if (y==x->p->left) y->p->left = x; else y->p->right = x; if (y!=x) //copy y's data to z z->key = y->key; if (y->color == BLACK) rb_delete_fixup(rb,x); free(y); return rb;}int main () { struct rb_tree *p,*root; struct rb_tree tree_nil = {BLACK,T_nil,&tree_nil,&tree_nil,&tree_nil}; root = &tree_nil; root = rb_insert(root,15); root = rb_insert(root,5); root = rb_insert(root,16); root = rb_insert(root,3); root = rb_insert(root,12); root = rb_insert(root,20); root = rb_insert(root,10); root = rb_insert(root,13); root = rb_insert(root,6); root = rb_insert(root,7); root = rb_insert(root,18); root = rb_insert(root,23); rb_walk(root); p = rb_search(root,18); root = rb_delete(root,p); rb_walk(root); return 1;}